WEEK ONE (Teams are serving in Wollaston, SK AND Leaf Rapids, MB)

After months of planning, LAMP Summer Ministry 2017 begins! During April and May, Andrew and I were able to visit most of our communities to ensure that all is ready for the teams when they arrive. We flew many miles, met lots of people and even did an illusion show in Deschambault, SK. 

I arrived back in Flin Flon on June 28th, and Andrew joined me the next day. The temporary Northern Manitoba LAMP office is now open! Our prayer is to visit each team in their community to provide them with whatever they need to make their ministry a success in the Lord’s eyes.

What is success in the Lord’s eyes? – The answer to this question is quite complex because it would be different for each community, team and team member. However, if you approach any task prayerfully, thoughtfully and with sensitivity – you will indeed please the Lord.

So the key word for this summer is . . . TIME. Take time to pray and listen to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit as He lovingly guides our footsteps. Take time to enjoy and wonder about the beauty of God’s creation.  

Finally, take time with the people with whom you are sharing the love of the Lord. A phrase that you will hear from me repeatedly is, “The greatest gift that you can give anyone is the gift of your time.” Throughout the Gospels, Jesus demonstrates the value of spending quality time with individuals. From my experience, the some of the sweetest times that I’ve had in ministry was when I took the time to see the person in front of me through the Lord’s eyes.

Please keep Andrew and myself in your prayers. Also pray for the teams who will be serving this week in Wollaston, Saskatchewan and Leaf Rapids, Manitoba. May the Lord smile on them and that their ministry will be a success in His eyes.

Happy Canada Day!

May He have dominion from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth! (Psalm 72:8 ESV)

(If you would like to support LAMP's work in Northwestern Manitoba and Northeastern Saskatchewan please refer to and note/memo 'for missionary Gordon Gilbey.'


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