
My name is Gordon Gilbey, and I have just began the next season of my life serving as a missionary with Lamp Ministry (  After graduating from Canadian Theological Seminary with a M.A. in Religion (high honours), I served as Executive Director of Missionfest Manitoba for 14 years.  The Lord called me out of the ministry that I loved so much in order to do something completely different.

LAMP is a cross-cultural ministry sharing Jesus Christ with God’s people in remote areas of Canada.  I have a long history with LAMP, volunteering on VBS teams and as photographer and illusionist.  The VBS’s were located in Cat Lake, Ontario (three times), Fort Alexander and Churchill.  Plus I have visited many other communities in Northern Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Currently there are 17 communities in my jurisdiction which are capably ministered to by 17 teams from Canada and United States.  Our teams make a five year commitment to their community and will visit during the summer months.  Wherever possible, we ask our teams to make an additional trip during the winter or spring.  If your church is interested in putting a team together, please contact the LAMP office.

Non-Summer Visits

In February, Howard and Esther from Winnipeg travelled by ice road to their community of Pikwitonei, Manitoba.  This was their ninth winter visit and they reported, “Our journey to our beloved northern Manitoba community of Pikwitonei witnessed an ongoing broadening and deepening of our longstanding relationships with the people there.”

Back in January, I was able to brave Highway #6 and drove to Grand Rapids to meet a team from Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Moorhead, Minnesota.  They had a terrific time with the children and youth of the community filled with music, amazing crafts and a surprise visit from a crazy illusionist.

Spring comes late in Lac Brochet!  Early in April, I was able to join a team from St. Michael Lutheran Church, Portage, Michigan as we flew up to Lac Brochet.  When we got there, the weather was so nice that the roads were mucky and full of small lakes.  I thought that this will be a piece of cake – but I was wrong.  Within a couple of days the temperature dropped down to -20°C with a minus infinity wind-chill factor.  I walked a block and ended up with windburn. 

But even so, we visited many classrooms in the school where we shared the Easter story, did crafts and a trick or two.  We had a youth night which was filled with fun, games and a full magic show.  The youth were totally engaged during the show and the testimony which followed.  We also did a lot of visiting, a women’s Bible study and an appreciation breakfast for some of the teachers.  Our treat came when we were given some fresh Caribou meat which was capably cooked by Mark – it was delicious!

“For Such a Time as This”

Currently, I am in Flin Flon visiting communities and making plans for the busy summer months.  This gave me some time for much needed reflection.  In the Bible, Mordecai counseled Esther, “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Est 4:14, ESV).

Our God is a God of the present!  He gets us exactly where we need to be, in a position where we can accomplish His perfect will for each of us.  So when we are serving the Lord, whether on the mission field or in our everyday life, and we are frustrated or discouraged, it is reassuring to know that the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us.  He has positioned us in this exact time and place, “For such a time as this.”


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